NHS commentators specialise in gloom as I don’t need to remind you, and this week they have had plenty to moan about with the publication of the latest Nuffield/Kings Fund British Social Attitudes Survey.
Overall satisfaction with the NHS is down 3%, and for the fourth year running the principal reason cited, at 53%, is “It takes too long to get a GP or hospital appointment.”
As sad as it is predictable, the only response from all parties has been “Give us more, more money, time, resources, GPs”. It’s not happening, GP numbers have shrunk this year.
Our latest practice launch this week was a middle of the road performer, with about 60% of demand “on the day” and a long spread thereafter leading to an average wait of 5 days.
In week one they dealt with almost all demand on the same day, achieving a median completion time (that’s completed, not just first response) of 49 minutes. Patients have loved it, with 8 to 1 saying it’s better. All done with no more resources – it’s only possible by saving time, managing 2/3 remotely.
I’ve had two contrasting conversations with practices this week. One is in a prosperous market town, in a brand new multi £million health centre. The GPs know they are making patients wait four weeks for a “routine” appointment, and they are quite happy with that, protected by their contract and local monopoly.
We can’t help them.
Imagine any normal company like us treating our customers like that – we’d be out of business in a minute. And that is why Babylon GP at Hand has a point, even if we don’t share their business model.
The other practice is in a decades old building, serving one of the poorest populations in their city, a minority having English as a first language, and dealing with huge problems of deprivation. Yet they have an absolute passion to help their patients, already providing a superb same day personal service. They just want to make their own working lives sustainable too.
We can help them.
Looking forward to more launches next week. Glad to say that every one gets easier with new features, this week it’s the NHS Spine lookup for patients, improving accuracy and saving time on reception.
Harry Longman
PS GPs with that service ethos, don’t miss out any longer. Start with our free online demo.
Cheer up
NHS commentators specialise in gloom as I don’t need to remind you, and this week they have had plenty to moan about with the publication of the latest Nuffield/Kings Fund British Social Attitudes Survey.
Overall satisfaction with the NHS is down 3%, and for the fourth year running the principal reason cited, at 53%, is “It takes too long to get a GP or hospital appointment.”
As sad as it is predictable, the only response from all parties has been “Give us more, more money, time, resources, GPs”. It’s not happening, GP numbers have shrunk this year.
Our latest practice launch this week was a middle of the road performer, with about 60% of demand “on the day” and a long spread thereafter leading to an average wait of 5 days.
In week one they dealt with almost all demand on the same day, achieving a median completion time (that’s completed, not just first response) of 49 minutes. Patients have loved it, with 8 to 1 saying it’s better. All done with no more resources – it’s only possible by saving time, managing 2/3 remotely.
I’ve had two contrasting conversations with practices this week. One is in a prosperous market town, in a brand new multi £million health centre. The GPs know they are making patients wait four weeks for a “routine” appointment, and they are quite happy with that, protected by their contract and local monopoly.
We can’t help them.
Imagine any normal company like us treating our customers like that – we’d be out of business in a minute. And that is why Babylon GP at Hand has a point, even if we don’t share their business model.
The other practice is in a decades old building, serving one of the poorest populations in their city, a minority having English as a first language, and dealing with huge problems of deprivation. Yet they have an absolute passion to help their patients, already providing a superb same day personal service. They just want to make their own working lives sustainable too.
We can help them.
Looking forward to more launches next week. Glad to say that every one gets easier with new features, this week it’s the NHS Spine lookup for patients, improving accuracy and saving time on reception.
Harry Longman
PS GPs with that service ethos, don’t miss out any longer. Start with our free online demo.
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